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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Senior Golfer/ Andy
In Response To: Senior Golfer ()


You are right... I have moved on. Amazing how long I did hang around to offer help by shedding light on the "real" fundamentals. Most people, and that includes the largest fund managers do not understand fundamentals and how the fundamentals do impact price. Not until the results have already taken place. After the fact you can read and hear many explain what caused the move.

There was, and now it is obvious a major change of fundamentals that occured in DEC 98', and so many "wrong" guesses about the impact of closing the Canadian border. Why sliver under 5.00, and gold under $250 was a good purchase, based on fundamental. Then a fundamental change in crude oil (145/147), plus all commodities and stocks that I wrote about 2008. Then the move back to the upside Mar 2009.

Andy, that is why I moved on.. it does not make any difference now hard a person tries to help people are still going to repeat, and make their own mistakes. It is all about "preception", and perception motivates action of people more than facts.

Why? It is the way our education system is setup. Our educators, are taught lessons that are far from factual, and becauase that is how they learned that is what they teach. The only ones I have had any success in explaining the difference between what is taught in schools from facts is my kids. I explained to my Son.. get the degrees by answering questions the way educators want you to answer, but understand the answers are far from factual, and often carry a personal bias of an educator who doesn't have a clue.

My Son has been very successful by anyone's standard.

So Andy the reason I do not give heads up anymore? It is better to do my own thing and trust others are going to do their own, which answers why the majority lose money.

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Re: Senior Golfer/ Andy