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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Corzine Ordered Funds Moved to JPMorgan/Wayne

based on past articles I have read the investigators seem to know more than they are saying on where the rest of the money went, but want to finish their investigation before saying as it may help in clawing any money back. Even though the 220 mil is small compared to the 1.6 bil it opens the possibility that Corzine could have criminal charges brought against him. No one has been charged with anything yet. As seven eleven said it did not get vaporized its just in other peoples pockets. Also if some of the customer money was used to place loosing trades by MF and the money went to those on the winning side then I doubt it can be clawed back.

Yep a company with 39+ bil in debt and about 41 bil in assets, and the MF execs cannot figure out where an amount of money as big as the whole net worth of the company went. Of course those assets whatever they are will now end up being sold off on the cheap during bankrucpty and used to pay claims made by creditors whenever the heck that may be.