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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

7 L.H/L.L stks/STR

Being there is a batch of these stks showing up on the scan I thought I'd post them fwiw. Others may also want to track them as well so until I stop looking I might as well post what the scan came up with.
Stks that did not show up Wednesday meaning they triggered a buy signal with a break of this pattern were CIE, COST, DOW, HMC,VVUS.

Stks that just signaled new 7 L.H and L.L on Wed close were: ERJ, LLTC, MXIM.

Stks that had a 10th day of L.L & L.H. were SWY.

Stks that had an 8th day of L.H.& L.L were CE, LMT, PCAR, XLNX.

When a batch of these stks with 7 L.L. & L.H. in a row show up it does indicate an oversold market with a turn around nearby. There is usually none that show up on a scan or the odd one at best. And obviously each one has to be viewed and assessed for a trade. And the scan requires 1 mil shares average per day traded and over $20.

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7 L.H/L.L stks/STR
Re: 7 L.H/L.L stks/STR/ For Thurs Close