Welcome to the TFC Commodity Trading Forum.
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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

something trading...

I find it interesting that this is a trading forum but that seems to be the last thing we talk about of late.

So I figured I would say something about trading...something trading. There.

Seriously, here's something trade related. I sat the laptop down the other evening to go outside and putz around. Came back in and started to look at the Euro. When I sat the laptop down I apparently...somehow...some way...triggered a trade. Now there's two buttons that could have been accidentally hit...two...that's a 50/50 chance. Buy...sell. It just happened to be on an evening when the Euro was moving around a little bit. So I look at the profit loss window.

Do you think the button that got hit was in my favor or against? Well... 525 dollar loss. Could have hit the other one but noooo. -525.

You gotta love it.