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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: Thoughts on Crude - rant for the day.

yea...we can relate to the entirety of the first paragraph! What's worse is, I can't see much difference between either of our two parties. It appears with the latest budget bill that both parties like spending the country into further massive debt at an accelerated pace. Makes selective targeting less critical. Fire em all.

I told someone the other day that we need to start a third party...that way we could have two parties versus one party with two different names. :-))

Our oil patch is taking a beating as well. Texas doesn't hurt as bad as some other places because their economy is very diversified. Other places...not so much. This is nothing new, of course. When I first got to Texas in the 80's you couldn't find a rig in the yard...when I left they were practically selling rigs off for scrap. Stories were aplenty of Phd's in geology mowing grass for a living. Since your buddy didn't go down the dentist route...you might mention this to him. haha

I feel for the guy.