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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Black lies matter

I spent my teen years and early twenties pretty closely associated with black folk. We lived in what was thought to be a rich neighborhood but we were basically upper middle class. Down the road from us was a small community filled mostly with black folk. On occasion my Dad and I would build a house...we would go to the "black" neighborhood to get men to help us build the houses. We befriended several families there but one in particular practically became a part of our family. So much so that I was invited to the guys fathers funeral. I walked into the church and everyone turned around to look at me. Oh, it's just Wayne and we went about the proceedings. I could wander around that neighborhood after dark and never worry about a thing. Truth of the matter was...back in those days...if you could get over your own fear based prejudices about black folk, any whitey could...they wouldn't have harmed anyone and as far as I know...didn't.

They were proud people and never would accept anything that they did not earn through work or trade.

When I see this trash asssed chit marching in the streets today...it disgusts me for the people I knew.

This Black Lies Matter crap is a communist movement based on hatred, racism by some assshole blacks, and most of all LIES. They started this crap, and it has been perpetrated by the piece of chit trash in the white house, with Travon Martin and then Michael Brown...hands up don't shoot. What a load of crap! Statistics on police shootings that came out by some Black professor, who was looking for a prejudice, show there is no apparent bias by the police. The professor said he was shocked by the data. I'm not...there's a big difference between politically motivated people saying they "feel" something versus what the facts are. You're just full of chit!

Here's the deal...you break into my house...I'll chew you to pieces with 30 rounds of 223 and be reaching for the second magazine if you're still moving...I don't give one hoot in hell what color you are.

You keep shooting cops, disrupting civil order, and killing people in general and there will come a point when you will regret the response you get from the rest of us, of whatever color, who want a civil society.

Keep it up you stupid Mother frickers and you'll bring down on your asss a deadly wrath that you can't even dream of.

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Black lies matter
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