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TFC Commodity Trading Forum

Re: tax cuts/ Wayne
In Response To: Re: tax cuts/ Wayne ()

I know, I know. I just cal em like I see me. Hopefully, I'm wrong. Not to sound pompous...but I doubt it.

I've been studying politics for too damned long not to be able to see the writing on the wall. All I hear talk about is...their going to do a border tax to pay for the individual tax cuts. One, they will not give individual tax cuts, how can they? 50% of the people pay no income taxes. If there is a tax cut it can only go to the people who make enough to pay taxes...ie the wealthy. Then they'll pay for it, I hate that term, with a border tax that the poor will pay for at the local wally world and any place that imports goods...which is just about...hold on...everyfrickenbody!

Like I say...reform how you pay...not how much you pay. Nothing will change except you will just pay in a different way...and, if all things hold true to form, more.

What they need to do is a flat tax. 10%...if it was good enough for God it's good enough for them. Make a dollar pay a dime, make a mint panhandeling pay 10% of whatever a mint is. :-))

And if 10% isn't enough to cover everything they want to do to buy votes...STOP SPENDING SO GAWDDAMNED MUCH MONEY YOU WHORES!!!