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TFC Commodity Trading Forum


I promise I came up with the idea of projectionism myself through much observation of democraps in this country. Apparently, as with many of the things I think about...someone else was already there. hahaha

"Stalin used a tactic called “psychological projection” or blame-shifting, where a politician publicly accuses his opponents of what he himself is privately guilty of."

Does this not sound like the democraps hollering about Russian collusion. It is not Trump who colluded with the Russians it was Helliary. Yet they shift that blame or project it off on to trump. Just like they do with many other things. You're a racist...you're a bigot...in short...you're a basket of deplorable's. The fact is it is they who are the deplorable's.

Linked below is an article about Stalin. It should scare the chit out of you at how much the demoncraps with the likes of Helliary and OCrapper at the helm operates just as Stalin did. The read is probably not for everybody...it's dry and long but interesting if you're into that kind of thing...history.

I've said before...the demoncraps are the same people of the great murderers of history...Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pot et al. They think the same, they act the same. Kill the masses that disagree with you. The demoncraps in this country will throw you in the gulags and the ovens if and when they think they can.